Anyone promoting a network marketing, direct marketing, affiliate program or even a small business these days should know the value of Attraction Marketing. What is attraction marketing? In case you have not heard, this is simply attracting business to you, rather than you going out and chasing your tail around town looking for business opportunity. It really is about you providing valuable content that will be attractive and targeted to your audience, the people that you would most want to work with. Especially if you are in a small business you can really benefit from this type of marketing. Have you seen how Mr Obama used the social networks to work his campaign down to a minuet scale? He was able to build quit a grass roots following because People want and need to be led -- no matter what business opportunity you are promoting, they want to be led.

This is truly about positioning and branding yourself as a leader, and this is done partially by mindset but more importantly in how you approach your business. If you are from the old school and you are still running around promoting your business using tactics that are so outdated that they are from the 1950's, then maybe its time to rethink a strategy that is more technical. With Al Gore's advent of the internet, it has made it much easier to take advantage of the time leveraging capabilities that the are available to us today.

Many people are honestly looking online as a way to build their business and finding that it takes a tremendous amount of time and energy to learn this new marketing game. We have found that one of the easiest methods of using social marketing is to grab a free Twitter account or even a face book account that will allow the readers to get a chance to learn more about who you are, rather than what you are trying to sell. After all most everyone that is using social networking, unless it's Saturday night is actually looking to earn an income.

Nevertheless, most now agree that the best way to build a successful networking or home type business is with attraction marketing. Internet marketing simply consists of a series of steps that lead your prospects to the main focal point of your message. Start with savvy capture pages, which create list building from your social networks by providing valuable content. Next you should consider using an automated sales funnel, which means that you may have some products along the line that are of benefit to others, whether they buy from you or not. You can begin all of this by using Web 2.0 marketing strategies. So if all of these new words are a little bit like learning a foreign language, you might want to start someplace that has much of this in place for you and already has a strategy to pull all of these branding vehicles together in a cohesive fashion when you go out to set up your own attraction marketing model.

By.David Bone is the co-creator of Automated Income Marketing