Starting a blog is easy. You can do it for free, you can buy a domain and get hosting fairly cheap. Setting up the right plug-ins doesn't take long. Really the hardest part of starting a blog is deciding what to make it about.
If you want to use a blog to make money you must make it about something. That something needs to be specific. The mistake people make is starting a blog, and trying to cram all their hobbies and affiliate products, and everything else into it. I made that mistake when I started out, like most I failed to do enough research. As such, for a long time the site went no where.
It is essential that you have a clear purpose in mind before you set up a blog for business. You must decide what it will be about, and stick to just that one thing. Sometimes you can get away with a very narrow group of things. Like acne cream and acne scar Cream.
Once you have your laser focus subject for your site you need to do some research. You need to research search terms. Your goal is to find ten to twenty search phrases. These need to have the best competition to searches a month ratio. You want to find terms that get a decent amount of search hits a month, but have under 350,000 sites competing for them. The more hits per month, and lowest number of competing sites are going to be your golden geese.
Once you have your phrases, you should use the best ones to come up with your domain name. Then make sure every single post you put up has something to do with one or more of those phrases.
Labels: Blog Marketing Ideas That Sell
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